Muestras Pasadas David Rodriguez Otro sitio 18/03/17 - 01/04/17 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Valentina Chiappetta. Con la Intervención del Artista Pablo Allende Fragmentos de un no lugar 02/03/17 - 12/03/17 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Stella Insabella PRANA 25/11/16 - 11/12/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design ARS PHOTO 2016 Exposición Internacional de Fotografía 03/11/16 - 22/11/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Yayo González "Otra Mirada".Fotografías 12/10/16 - 30/10/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Antonio Pujía "Estudio para un Beso" 09/09/16 - 09/10/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Liliana Dowbley Geometría Infinita 25/08/16 - 08/09/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Ramón Bares Desechos Espaciales 04/08/16 - 21/08/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Patricia Gayone Microinstalaciones 15/07/16 - 31/07/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Erika Dekerki Ciudades del Alma 30/06/16 - 31/07/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Modo Art Gallery 2 do Aniversario 05/06/16 - 12/06/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design Jana Pucciarelli Intermitencia 13/05/16 - 01/06/16 MODO ART GALLERY | Contemporary art and design 1 2 3 4 Página 1 de 4